Mastering Salmon Fishing with Vittle Vault Lures: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Salmon Fishing with Vittle Vault Lures: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Setup Your Vittle Vault Lure

Step 1: Choosing the Leader Test

A 30 to 50-pound test leader works great with Vittle Vault lures. While heavier lines can be used, tying line over 50 pounds can be a challenge.

Step 2: Setting the Leader Length

The ideal leader length is about 48 inches for the Vittle Vault Max, Fast, and Slow lures and are designed for significant action on their own. For the Vittle Vaule mini and miniMax we suggest a leader length of 2 to 3 times the length of the flasher. When using a flasher, especially a 360, a longer leader is beneficial. If you like to experiment with leader length, start at 48 inches and work your way down. (See Figure 1-1 for details)

Step 3: Selecting the Right Bait

Scent dispersion and carry distance are crucial for bait effectiveness. Oily baits like tuna bloodline or belly. Small chunks of herring, anchovy, or your favorite bottled scent also work well. For oil scents, soak a sponge in your favorite scent and use that in the lure. Check out Crustacean Sensation for an excellent bait option.

Step 4: Preparing the Bait Cavity

Fill the bait cavity halfway to three-quarters full. Allow water to swirl around in the cavity to carry the scent away.

Step 5: Adjusting Troll Speed

Troll speed varies based on the type of salmon you're targeting. For Coho, faster trolling speeds are effective (3 to 5 MPH). For King/Chinook, slower speeds and deeper trolling are preferable (1 to 3 MPH). Test your lure and flasher near the surface to ensure it mimics a baitfish accurately. Also make sure to change speed and direction regularly, salmon have a tendency to strike during speed and direction changes.


*Figure 1-1


Understanding the Vittle Vault Lure Family

Vittle Vault - Max and MiniMax

The Max and MiniMax are the fastest spinning lures in the Vittle Vault family, ideal for Coho and Kokanee due to their rapid rotations. However, they are also effective for King/Chinook.

Vittle Vault - Fast and Mini

The Fast and Mini versions have a wide rotation axis and are excellent for deep water Kings/Chinook. The Mini is particularly effective for Coho in rivers or deeper waters.

Vittle Vault - Slow

The Slow version takes the longest to rotate but mimics a struggling baitfish, making it enticing for salmon especially in deep ocean water.

Fishsickle: Perfect for Slow Trolling and River Fishing

The Fishsickle floats, wiggles, and does not spin, it was designed for slow-moving water or for slow trolling. It's perfect for bank and river fishing, floating near the bottom and attracting salmon with its natural movement. Use our line locks for the perfect setup. (See Figure 1-2 for details) The Fishsickle can float up to a 3/0 treble hooks, ensuring the hook remains in the right position when the fish strikes.


*Figure 1-2


Flasher Breakaways: Easy Setup for Any Flasher

Our flasher breakaways are simple to set up with any current flasher. Attach the cable to the side without the fin, connect the snap to the head-end ring, and use magnets at the rear. (See Figure 1-3 for details)

*Figure 1-3


Bait Basket Micro: Enhancing Your Lure's Scent and Action

The Bait Basket - Micro and Mini are versatile additions to your gear, perfect for adding scent and attraction to your setup. The Mini is best used above your flasher so that it minimizes any impact on the action of the lure. The Micro also provides long-lasting scent dispersion plus spinning action for your hoochies or jigs. It can also be used alone for bank fishing, just fill the chamber with scent and weight. The micro can even be used with minimal weight and acts like a top bait.

The Team at Oregon lure have many years of salmon fishing experience from the Great lakes to the Pacific Ocean and the best tip we can give anyone fishing is to experiment, learn what works best for you and remember to always have fun!

We would love to hear questions or success stories from you and the best way to do that is to follow us on social media @oregon_lure on Instagram and Oregon Lure LLC on Facebook.

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