1. Columbia River Between Warrenton and Bonneville Dam
The Columbia River is legendary for its salmon runs, often ranked among the top 10 fishing destinations in the United States and globally. Whether you’re after prized Chinook, aggressive Coho, or elusive Sockeye*, this river has it all. With salmon and sturgeon among the most sought-after catches, there’s something for every angler year-round.
For salmon fishing, focus on the lower Columbia from its mouth up to Bonneville Dam. The rules of osmoregulation (explored later in the article) mean the salmon will spend a much longer time at the mouth of the river feeding and fattening up for the long trip to spawn. As they head further and further upriver even into Canada, they become less focused on feeding, making them much more difficult to bite on your lure. If you need any tips for trolling for salmon on the Colombia our Salmon Setup Guide will help you choose the right gear for success. As you fish, consider using our Vittle Vault Lure for an edge in attracting those hard-to-get bites.
*If you are targeting sockeye keep an eye on the regulations, as Sockeye season can close quickly.
If sturgeon is your target, head upriver from Bonneville Dam or near Portland's Rooster Rock Park. The swift bottom currents in the area make for excellent feeding conditions for Sturgeon as their food will be washed right to them. When targeting any bottom-dweller scent is key, most bottom fish hunt primarily by scent including sturgeon, making our Bait Baskets and Mini Bait Baskets perfect for the job. Fill them with squid, herring, or shrimp, and add some stinky gel for extra allure.
When you’re not on the water, Astoria and Warrenton offer great dining spots like BowpickerFish and Chips, or family-friendly activities like visiting the Astoria Column. If you are traveling on highway 26 and need a pre or post fishing trip meal Camp 18 has some of the best breakfasts and homestyle meals.
Newport/Yaquina Bay OceanThe Pacific Ocean off Newport is a prime location for targeting a variety of species, including salmon, halibut, and rockfish. For halibut, the “Chicken Ranch” and “Rock Pile” are hotspots just off the coast. As for salmon, the North Rock Pile and Stonewall Bank (The stone wall bank is a rockfish preserve so make sure if you are targeting rockfish or Halibut to avoid this area) are teeming with Coho and Chinook, especially from early season through October. Other great salmon locations are outside of the rivers like the Alsea that is just south of Yaquina bay where the salmon will congregate before the run up rivier.
After a day on the water, Newport has plenty to offer. The Rogue Brewery is a must-visit for craft beer enthusiasts, while the Oregon Coast Aquarium and South Beach State Park provide fun for the whole family. If you still have energy, grab a RapuTrap crab snare and try your luck crabbing off the Yaquina Bay jetty or under the bridge in Waldport.
Tillamook Bay is a dream for Chinook salmon anglers. Known for its shallow waters and multiple tributaries like the Trask, Miami, Tillamook, Kilchis and Wilson Rivers, it’s one of the largest spawning grounds for Pacific salmon in the northwest. Here, traditional rules go out the window—locals often fish in just 4 to 6 feet of water. Using a Fishsickle l lure is an excellent choice for the shallow waters of the Tillamook Bay and its rivers. Especially when fishing the slack tides. Checkout or guide for rigging your fish sickle in our Salmon Setup Guide.
Why is the Tillamook Bay such an interesting salmon location? The process of osmoregulation in salmon like Chinook means they must slowly transition themselves between saltwater and freshwater. In the bay the fish will move in and out of the fresh water multiple times before spawning. It has been observed that in the shallow waters of the Tillamook rivers and bay the salmon will move in and out with the tides, traveling in on the incoming tide and going back to the ocean on the outgoing tide, with the bite being best on the slack tide as the salmon are idly hunting for a snack for their journey. Tillamook Bay’s tides are critical for timing your fishing. If you need any tools on watching tides and conditions check out our Tech Tips Guide.
When you’re ready to relax, the Tillamook Cheese Factory offers fantastic ice cream and cheese curds. Be sure to visit the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum to learn more about the area’s history, including the role our ancestors had in establishing the area of Tillamook.
The Willamette RiverThe Willamette River is a versatile fishery, offering everything from bass and rainbow trout to salmon and sturgeon. For bass and trout, shallow banks in the morning and deeper waters as the day progresses are ideal. Try using our Bait Basket Micro, All you need is your favorite scent, a hook and a bead.
If you’re chasing salmon, the Willamette’s terrain allows for both bank fishing and trolling, Popular spots to troll for salmon include the Multnomah Channel and the waterfront area of downtown Portland. Our Vittle Vault Lure is perfect for trolling, ensuring your bait stays fresh and effective throughout your trip. If you are looking for easy access to bank fishing the Willamette, check out Willamette moorage park, Molalla River State Park and Willamette Mission State Park.
Once you’ve landed your catch, take some time to explore the Willamette Valley. Whether it’s the Saturday markets in Portland, a visit to Powell’s Books, or a tour of the area’s famous wineries, there’s something for everyone. Our personal favorite vineyards include Bjornson, Bryn Mawr, and Andante.